The Drone.exe benchmark software, is part of VDI Drones and can be used totally free for private or commercial use. The Drone.exe is a stand alone and portable .exe file and can be downloaded and used directly. No installation required. You can use the Drone.exe software to benchmark you home PC, laptop or virtual machine.
The Drone.exe benchmark allows you to performance tweak your PC and helps you to fine-tune your PC in detail. The Drone.exe also allows you put a synthetic load on your PC. This is particularly useful for burn-in testing of new or existing hardware. It is also possible to do performance base-lining, for this purpose we included the option to start the benchmark for Drone.exe from the command line. More information can be found in the manual.
The Controller software is the paid part of VDI Drones and can be tried out for free, without registration. Without a license the Controller has limited functionality, but it does allow you to see if the controller works in your environment.
Both the Controller and the Drone can be found on our download page
Please notice that the free version of this software does not come with support.